When you sit down to write another blog article, as a writer you really never can tell which posts are going to be the most popular and which ones are going to be the most read.
So today I decided to look through all my posts and discover which posts had been read by more than 3,000 readers – and here is a list of 10.
At the time of writing the lowest has been read by 3663 people and the highest 29,513 readers.
So here they are – my top 10 most read Motivational Memos. Enjoy!
1. What Love Is & What Love Is Not
Out of the list of 10 articles featured on this page, this is our youngest – but has proved extremely popular. In the English language love is a word whose meaning, at times, is distorted. So please allow me to enlighten you about what love is and what love is not.
2. 102 Motivational Quotes From Peter G. James Sinclair
When I first started writing my Motivational Memos many years ago, it wasn’t long before people started quoting me. I have actually only ever seen my quotes as Motivational Memos rather than Motivational Quotes – but the word quotes seems to be the word that defines what I call a memo – a short and to the point statement that you can take with you wherever you go to add value to your life.
3. How To Be The Best You Possible
What is the point to live a life below your potential? What reason can you and I give ourselves if we never rise up to the challenge that life presents us with – and that is – to live life to its fullest, to go beyond the call of duty, and to extract every last vestige of possibility out of every single day?
4. 27 Stunning Motivational Posters Made Just For You!
If you’re looking for a fabulous photo for your next wallpaper, you should be able to find something worthwhile in the following collection. The collection of wallpapers below will hopefully inspire and motivate you every day towards your goals.
5. 80 Motivational Quotes That Can Change Your Life Too
It just doesn’t seem to want to stop growing and going. Since I posted this request – Give Me One Motivational Quote That Changed Your Life – in the Motivation Nation Group found in the social network of LinkedIn, the response has been overwhelming and continues to grow with every passing week…
6. 11 Must Read Life Lessons From John Lennon
I remember hearing ‘Hey Jude’ blaring from the speakers at school when I was a young boy. I was as much caught up in Beatle-mania as the next person. The ‘Fab Four’ totally turned the music world upside down with their vast array of melodies, clever lyrics and singable tunes. They were dynamic, controversial, trendsetters, radicals, confrontational plus a whole lot more.
7. The How To’s Of Time Management & Life Efficiency
In the early 1900s when Ivy Lee advised the managers of Bethlehem Steel to list their top priorities and to then work on tasks in that prioritized order, not proceeding until a task was completed, he was rewarded handsomely. Charles M. Schwab, who was the head of the company at the time, paid Lee $25,000 because of the power of his advice that positively effected the performance of his managers and of his entire company.
8. How To Change Your Life
Situations come. Situations go. But no matter what situation we find ourselves in, we are given the wonderful opportunity to not always change the situation or even how others respond to that situation, but rather to change the way we think, the way we respond, and the very way we live.
9. More Motivational Quotes That Have Changed People’s Lives
In addition to the quotes some of the contributors – whose names appear at the front of each of the quotes – have added some of their own personal insights into the quotes. I trust that the wisdom shared by these ones, whose lives were changed by a motivational quote, will add great value to your life.
10. Snakes & Ladders – The Game Of Life
Have you ever played the game ‘Snakes & Ladders’? It’s a bit like life. Snakes take you down or backwards, and ladders take you up or forwards. In life, after you have experienced the exhilaration of a ladder, it is quite possible that you could bump into a snake. But on the flip-side, after experiencing the humbling emitted by an encounter with a snake, your next move could land you at the foot of a ladder.
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